Häagen-Dazs Mid Autumn Campaign (China)

Häagen-Dazs, the premium ice cream brand, has found the sweet spot and wraps another global corner into China’s success story since the mid-1990s. Since the worldwide rebranding in 2018, which aims to be more “modern” and “vibrant”, the brand has moved away from the fussy design and target younger audiences with a contemporary twist.

Häagen-Dazs has been savvy and well prepared in the China market for cultural integration; the brand has established a full-fledged effort to Mid Autumn Campaign every year.

When it’s hard to find a way to say “thank you,” a beautiful gift can speak volumes.

The Approach

We went beyond the box to position the brand as a cultural game-changer by redefining Mid Autumn gifting’s language and customs. Our design redefines the rules of traditional gifting for a new, trend-setting millennial consumer. The primary packaging delivers a bold, contemporary modern aesthetic for the iconic global ice-cream brand.
The campaign tells the story through celebrity endorsement with a key message “有你在真好” (Glad to have you around) — addressing the beauty of love and companion. The collateral features contents endorsed by millennials’ favorite celebrity, strategically connecting the brand value and perception with millennial customers.

The Outcome

The mooncake’s portable size, rich flavor, and beautiful designs have made it a highly sought-after way to join the giving season. During mooncake giving season, consumers pre-order their mooncakes for pickup at redemption sites two weeks before Mid-Autumn Festival.